Farmers Market and Girlfriends

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Today was a much needed girls day out.
My boys have been out of town for a week.  Living the Jimmy Buffet life in Key West - hopefully coming home with lobster and fish for a seafood cookout before Robert leaves. 
Feeling a little....OK a lot "blue" lately with the thought of Robert leaving in 
26 days (but whose counting) ..... on to Tallahassee for College.
So my girls and I headed to Sarasota for the day.
A little hot but the best Farmers Market around.  
Fresh veggies.
Homemade Soap/Candles.
Homemade bakery items.
Apple Slushy (was the best!)
Lunch at the cutest little cafe'.
Then it was off to Whole Foods Market and several Thrift Stores.
Of course we found several treasures we could not live without.
A lot of laughs and girl bonding was just what the doctor ordered.
I love my girlfriends. 
A lot!

The Beauty of God

Sunday, July 24, 2011

This was our sky last night.
The picture does not do it justice.
(phone camera)
It was a pink/purple color.
(too pretty not to share) 

Have a blessed Sunday blogger friends. 

Beach Boys

Friday, July 22, 2011

My boys are off to Key West tomorrow.
Mini Lobster Season.
The last male bonding trip before Robert leaves for college.
Here's hoping for a fun week full of love, sunshine and plenty of lobster!

This was last year.....the Tarpon was just a little too close.  
Keep my boys in your prayers please.

Lake Day

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

And here are the rest of the pictures (well not the rest, but some more) from our day on the Lake.
Today is the 41st day of Summer 
It's flying by and Savannah will be starting 10th grade soon
Robert will be leaving for College/Tallahassee in a month - but we won't talk about that in this happy post.

Summer Days

Monday, July 18, 2011

This was our weekend.
Hope yours rocked too! 

Organizing 101

Friday, July 15, 2011

This is what my weekend looks like.
This is not my closet.
I wish it were.
This is my favorite "Pinterest" organized closet.
Blessings on your weekend my blogger friends. 

White Weekend

Friday, July 8, 2011

So, I do love the beach, sun, and warm weather
But today I'm wishing for just one or two "cold" days
Kinda in a mellow mood
Kinda wishing for a weekend in PJ's ;
Books, Movies and Hot Chocolate
Can't blame a girl for wishing.

All pictures from Pinterest.
My latest addiction.
Made With Love By The Dutch Lady Designs