Sheri Sheri How Does Your Garden Grow?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I am so excited about my garden.  The beauty of living in Florida is that we can plant our garden the first part of March.  So, March 1st we planted; corn, snow peas, cucumbers, onions, green peppers, sweet peppers, tomatoes, herbs, carrots and sunflowers. 
Today we picked.  Cilantro and Tomatoes.
Then we made salsa.
And..... planted potatoes.
Here is a glimpse of how it's growing.  We weeded and raked all the leaves today but was excited to share the photos.  Un-edited - sorry.

 Love this gift from the "garden boy".
 My garden helper.
 Instead of a "pool boy", I have a "garden boy" - cute huh?
 Tomatoes and Cilantro - freshly picked.

Homemade Salsa - right from the garden. 


  1. that salsa looks amazing!!! my husband just built me garden boxes today! but, living in California, we dont plant until the end of april. i can't wait for home grown tomatoes!

  2. Yum, I love salsa and it tastes amazing homemade! Glad your garden is doing so well. I am just now getting mine planted, can't wait for my tomatos :)

  3. Slightly envious of your cilantro. I will have to plant some out here. Seeds or plants?

  4. Very small plants and they have gone wild. Will be happy to share some at Easter Hunny Bunny :)

  5. How rewarding to make your own salsa from your own garden! It looks delicious! I wish I had your kind of space to grow more things! I laugh that my little wine box garden may only yield a few salads. :)



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